The link you refer to returns Microsoft's version of a 404, which is to redirect you to the main Help page. Hello Richard, Thank you for your response.
As mentioned in my previous post, HyperTerminal isn't included in Windows 7 and above. There are several options you can use to accomplish the same tasks: Refer: Hope it helps. Keep us posted to help you better. I've also found that Putty and Tera Term work well on Windows 10 to communicate with serial devices, as well as using Arduino Serial Monitor to do this, although this tends towards a more advanced user.
On the Windows 7 box make a new folder under C: Program Files HyperTerminal for 32-bit and for 64-bit make a new folder C: Program Files (x86) HyperTerminal From a Windows XP box and copy the following 3 files to the folder that was just created on the Windows 7 box. How to use HyperTerminal. Terminal emulator programs written for DOS will not work under Windows 2000 or Windows XP. However Windows comes with a.